Depict contributes to 15% of the brand's total revenue

The aim'n group sought to enhance their online customer experience with personalized product recommendations. Thanks to Depict's powerful, AI-led merchandising engine, aim'n not only increased their average order value and online sales revenue but also experienced higher customer retention.


Aim high, dream big - that’s the ethos of aim’n, an innovative Swedish fashion brand that sells high-quality activewear across 150+ countries. The company was founded in 2014 with a core set of values: run by women, for women. Starting on Instagram, where the founders published inspirational and motivational posts, they have grown rapidly to 1 billion SEK in 2021 (~$100M).


Aim’n was steadily growing, however, there were still opportunities to invest in the future. Cross-selling and showing complementary products to “complete a look” at checkout was a popular feature with their customers. But, what was lacking was a personal feel. What they wanted were custom recommendations based on shoppers’ demographics, shopping habits, and previous purchases. Unfortunately, they didn’t have the time to do this manually, and they lacked the AI predictive power to automate it. Because of this, the chances of shoppers making that ‘extra’ purchase were lost, reducing their AOV. Implementing the right product discovery technology was crucial. By doing so, their customers could be shown personalized cross-sold products that are most relevant and appealing to them across their site, greatly increasing the chance of them adding an extra item to their cart.

Key results


Maximized order value

Shoppers seeing more relevant products led to a higher average order value, boosting aim’n’s growth in online sales.


More value, less work

Depict elevated aim’n’s product discovery experience, improving their shoppers’ experience with less manual effort.


Enhanced customer retention

Aim’n strengthened their customer loyalty thanks to an improved shopping experience.

“With Depict, we can now display matching and complementary products to complete a stylish and trendy workout outfit! This contributes to a higher order value, but in the end it’s also about us giving our customers a great shopping experience and guiding them well.”

Malin Ericson

CRO Specialist at aim’n

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